Monday, May 23, 2011

Michael Jackson, Lady GaGa and Great White

The other morning, I was thinking about all the stuff I liked to do as a little girl (paper dolls, barbies and my treasured sticker collection to name a few.)  Emme has been curious about stickers lately.  I find them everywhere....usually she likes to stick them on her shoes.  We were sitting on the couch when I remembered that I have my old sticker books tucked away into my hope chest.  I got them out for Emme to look at.  I was surprised to see how retro those books look to me now.  It had been years since I've looked at them but holding those books in my hands again and flipping through the pages brought back such good memories.  I found Gremlin stickers, unicorns, Strawberry Shortcake and of course Michael Jackson since he was at the height of his popularity.  Emme was pointing at all of the stickers and naming what each was.  She would point to a bear and call out its name, she would point at the birds and say birds, she pointed at Michael Jackson and to my shock she said "Momma" with certainty that she was looking at a picture of me.  WHAT??!!??  I corrected her.  "No, No, Emme...that's not Momma...that's Michael Jackson."  "Momma,"  she said again.  She even looked me up and down and then back at the sticker to assure herself that yes, that was Momma in the picture in front of her.  We turned the page.  We looked at puppies, Rainbow Brite and Fraggles and another picture of MJ.  "Momma!"  Emme exclaimed.  *Sigh*  I wonder why in the world my toddler thinks I look like a black man?  Below, you will find portraits of me (apparently) in the 80's. 

 Emme's newest fashion statement is her sunglasses and she wants to wear them all the time.  ALL. THE. TIME.  And if she's not wearing them, she wants someone else to wear them.  Ga-Ga's is what she calls them.  In order to get her to eat her waffles the other morning, she insisted that I wear the ga-ga's throughout her meal.  I would wear them for what I thought was long enough and then put them on the table and try to coax her to eat some more.  "Ga-Ga's" she yells as she stiffens out her legs and begins to smack her waffles off of her tray and into the floor.  Okay, Okay...I'll wear the Ga-Ga's.  The things we'll do in order to avoid a 9 a.m. tantrum.  When Nana came to visit later on in the day, Emme also insisted that she wear the Ga-Ga's.  So there we sat, my Mom and I, having an adult conversation while she sat across from me wearing toddler sunglasses smeared with ravioli grease.

You may be wondering why my title today includes the 80's band, Great White.  It's because the first song that came into my head today was "Once Bitten Twice Shy."  I wouldn't have thought about this song at all if we wouldn't have had tradegy occur right in the middle of a nice, quiet afternoon.  It happened like this:  We were sitting in the floor.  Greg was throwing Scout's ball and Emme was squealing with delight.  Now, Scout isn't like most dogs.  She likes the ball to be thrown for her but she doesn't like to give it back.  You have to pry it out of her slobbery mouth.  Greg was trying to get the ball and right as he snatched it away, she bit down onto his thumb.  All I heard was "Damn It!"  and then looked up to see Greg rushing to the bathroom, leaving a small drip of blood behing him and screaming "I might need stitches!"  I rushed to his side and I couldn't help but start laughing.  Maybe instict told me the bite wasn't as bad as he was imagining or maybe it's because I looked back at our little 8 lb. dog sitting in the hallway and I knew she couldn't have possibly caused anyone to need stitches.  Nonetheless, I was laughing hysterically.  "It's not funny!  Has she had her rabies shot?"  More laughing...doubled over laughing....It turns out that Greg is fine.  He doesn't have rabies.  There was no foaming at the mouth that occured and he didn't need stitches...he didn't even need a band-aid.  He just happened to get the cuticle torn off of his thumb by way of our dog's teeth. 


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