Friday, June 15, 2012

Oh, Boy!

A boy! We're going to have a son...and you know what they say...little boys LOVE their Mommas.  And yes, I have every intention of making him a Momma's boy. Just kidding....maybe. 

We found out in mid-February that we are expecting and since then, time seems like it's flying by. 
October 28th is quickly approaching and this pregnancy so far has been a breeze.  No high blood pressure and not one ounce of morning sickness.  Weight gain has been minimal, although I expect that this will change as I hit my third trimester but least I've went the first five months with only about 3 lbs of added weight and I was told at our ultrasound last week that Baby Boy Drake weighs almost 1 lb. 

Today, I'm thinking about the day I told Greg he's going to be a Daddy again.  I cannot think of that moment without tears welling up in my eyes.  I don't expect that I'll ever forget it and that documenting it in a blog probably isn't necessary for my own memory but I thought I'd share it with you. 

We spent most every evening after Greg gets home from work at our kitchen table eating dinner together.  Emme sits between us in her booster seat and Greg and I sit across from one another.  We never miss a prayer before dinner and Greg almost always leads the prayer as we all hold hands.  On this certain day in February, I asked Greg if he minded if I led prayer.  He seemed surprised and I silently wondered at what point in the prayer my voice would crack from emotion.  (As most of you know, I'm a very emotional girl.)  We clasped hands and although I can't remember the exact words of thankfulness I gave, I do remember ending the prayer by saying "And thank you for the new baby that's coming to join our family."  I opened my teary eyes and looked at Greg who sat wide-eyed and open mouthed as he was processing what I'd just said.  We both jumped up from the table and hugged while Emme sat smearing her dinner across her tray as she always does. 

Needless to say, our entire family is overjoyed that we are having another baby.  Emme has been such a blessing to us and I can hardly wait to see her with a little baby brother.  I'm also already wondering how long it will take before he gets on her nerves because just the other day she complained that Scout, our dog was "looking at her."  I guess she's training for her role as big sister. 

Here's to fun as a family of four (or five...if you count our beloved little dog.)