Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Our Week in Review 7/21-7/27

Last week was a busy one and flew by.  Emme started Bible School and she loved every minute of it. Every evening when we picked her up she was excited to show us her latest crafts. I will definitely be sending her back next year. 

The kids also started their swim lessons at the YMCA. Preston is in the "Diaper Dip" class and Emme is with the preschoolers. During the first session, I got in the water with Preston and Greg took a turn at the next class. As I sat on the sidelines and watched Greg helping Preston along, singing the songs to him and praising him when he followed the teachers instructions, I was so proud. Little moments like that remind me of just how wonderful he is.....the kids and I are blessed that he is ours. 

On Friday, we invited our neighbors to join us at Calypso Cove. We all had a great time. Emme just loved having her best friend there with her. This is the first friend she has made on her own. What makes it especially sweet is that her name is Peyton, the same as Emme's big sister that passed away years ago. Peyton and Emme have such a precious friendship. They play together nearly every day and it warms my heart when I see them holding hands and running across the yards together. I fully believe that this is not coincidence but God's plan unfolding perfectly. 

And aaaahhhhh.....the the weekend arrived. A long weekend at that since Greg had the day off on Monday. The kids stayed with their grandparents so Greg and I had a weekend of sleeping in, renting movies and thrift store shopping. How awesome is it that my husband enjoys thrifting as much as I do?
And just look at this great lamp he found for our basement.....for only $12! And my sandals for $12 too!  (As a side note, these are new sandals....they were in a box and still had the tags so no unnecessary worrying that I may get a foot fungus is needed.) 

I have also been getting text messages from my Aunt Missy a lot lately. This makes my heart happy. This exchange from yesterday made me giggle. 

Finally, just what am I going to do with our new puppy? She chewed up an IPhone cord this past week. It's the third one she's chewed in half and her latest fascination is to try to chew our clothes off of us. This is her with the IPhone cord evidence and biting at my maxi dress. Any ideas for taming her biting behavior is welcome. In the meantime, I think her name should be changed to Cujo. 

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